The announcement comes shortly after Rare Cancers Australia called on the federal government to end the ‘cancer lottery’.
Yesterday the federal government announced a $6.7 million investment to the Australian Rare Cancer Portal.
The portal grants doctors and people who live with rare cancers expert advice from national and international specialists regardless of their location.
This includes identifying relevant management guidelines for patients with rare cancers or additional tests that may be required to confirm a diagnosis or guide treatment decision-making, referring to and interpreting genetic testing results and promoting relevant clinical trials or other research opportunities.
“Right now, if you’re in regional or remote parts of Australia and you’re diagnosed with cancer, especially a rare form, your chances of survival are lower. Everyone in Australia deserves the best possible cancer care, irrespective of where you live or how wealthy you are,” said Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care Ged Kearny.
The news comes less than three weeks after Rare Cancers Australia released its list of priorities ahead of the yet-to-be announced federal election.
“This federal election is a defining moment for cancer care in Australia. It’s a chance to save thousands of lives and build a future where survival isn’t dictated by cancer type, postcode, or financial means,” Rare Cancers Australia CEO Christine Cockburn said earlier this month.
“In the land of the fair go, this ‘cancer lottery’ is unacceptable. Every person diagnosed with cancer in Australia should have the best chance to survive and live well, no matter their cancer type, income, or where they live.”
Rare and less common cancers accounted for one in four new cancer diagnoses last year, but a third of all cancer deaths.
BioGrid Australia, who manage the portal, will receive the funding. The investment will also see a Queensland-based pilot where patients in remote areas can be supported through a partnership with Cancer Alliance Queensland.
The Australian Rare Cancer Portal was established in 2020 and has since supported more than 1500 patients from across the country.